Master Your Money Mindset

Would you like to
understand how your personality affects your spending?
Is this you now?
you feel huge resistance to dealing with money and money issues
Constantly worry about money and hate dealing with it
know that you should have "more money" but there never seems to be enough
Are you?
a woman who is fed up feeling rubbish about money
How will it help?
understand your money blocks and why they make life difficult
break old habits and build new ones to help you to feel in control
change the way you speak about money and begin to feel great about it
Exciting short course helping you to change your money mindset

Are you ready to start feeling flipping awesome about money and stop throwing money away, by not taking action?

I have created a little something that I pretty sure you will love (scratch that, I am absolutely sure you will love it)

Master your Money Mindset is a brilliant online course that:

  • gets right to the heart of the problem....quickly.
  • reduces money stress from your life right from the start
  • helps you to create a happy, productive and prosperous relationship with money

And it will give you all of that in just a few hours!

Getting to grips with your money mindset allows you to relax and enjoy the money that you work so hard to make. 

Let me assure you, Master your Money Mindset is the solution to end the desperate searching, hoping and wishing.

And you can get started right now.

On the course you will get:

  • a simple, step-by-step process to follow
  • tasks to complete at a time that suits you
  • fun, thought-provoking activities
  • abundance mindset exercises
  • individual course booklets for enhanced study 
  • 24/7 access online
  • anonymous sign up
money mindset coach

I wasn't sure what to expect, but I thought if I could figure out my "money personality" it would be helpful for me to know when making financial decisions.  I was right!  Great course! :-) 

new money mindset

You CAN change your money mindset

I won't pretend it's an overnight process, because it's not.  However, burying your head in the sand, won't change a thing and will keep you stuck in the same old place forever.  

Money mindset work is relatively new and people are skeptical of it.  I get that.

However, it can change your life!

I am Eileen, a certified money mindset coach and I totally believe in it, because it works.  Working on my own money mindset has changed me from being a right misery guts about money, to feeling calm and in control, with enough money for all the things that make me happiest.  

For me that is being able to teach part-time, enjoy lots of holidays and being able to spend time out on the bikes, while still preparing for retiring at 55. 

Oh and having a cleaner too! I love coming home from school to a clean and tidy house!

mindset coach

What about you? What would make you happiest?

Let's start making it happen

I promise that this could be the start of really exciting changes in your life!

I know you are not sure if it will help. And I know that you are worried about signing up for a course that might not work.

That’s why I offer a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not 100% happy, just ask for a refund.

courses for law of attraciton

Are you up for it?

This is the money mindset course that will help you to get to grips with WHY you have been finding money so difficult.

review your money sorted
review money mindset course
When does the course start?

You will get immediate access to the money challenge, and you will also have lifetime access to it.

I’m interested, but I just don’t think I will have time for it. What can you suggest?

If money is holding you back, then you have to make time to change it.  The course fits around hectic lifestyles, with 24/7 access available on phones, tablets and PCs.  Get up half an hour early, switch off the soaps, do it during lunch break or make time at the weekend.  It will only take a few hours and I promise it will be worth your while.

I love the sound of it, but it just seems so hard to take the plunge. Have you got any advice?

Clients describe my courses as exciting, motivating, inspiring and life-changing. The hardest thing is making the decision to join – once that’s done, the rest is easy!

Why can’t I learn all of this myself from books and internet? Why do I need your course?

Lots of the information on the course can be found on the internet. However, the step-by-step process, with thought-provoking questions, makes this a personal and valuable resource. The course ensures that you move through it quickly and efficiently, saving you hours of time.

Why should I invest the money in this course?

85% of previous clients say that my courses are EXCELLENT value for money. You can be confident that you are making an amazing investment in your future. Remember I offer a full 30 day money back guarantee. If you complete the course and are not 100% happy, please send me your completed booklet and I will refund you.