Homemade Christmas gifts - 10 truly special ideas

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I used to get a shiver up my spine at the thought of homemade Christmas gifts, bringing back memories of hideous knitted jumpers and the ensuing arguments as we were forced to wear them. I also remember the year we got some homemade tablet, so badly made it was like eating raw sugar! 

These experiences put me off ever thinking about subjecting anyone to homemade Christmas gifts........until a few years ago when I got one of my favourite ever gifts.  

presents and latterns

It was a beautifully wrapped box of homemade shortbread, but for me the thing that made it most special was the addition of a personalised message.  The gift was from our neighbour, she had written on the tag how much she loved having us as neighbours and how much she appreciated us.    The shortbread was truly delicious, but the thing I can remember most is the tag that was with it, because of the way it made me feel.  (We feel the same way about her by the way – a wonderful nearly 86 year old with a wicked sense of fun!)  

This pressie got me thinking about homemade Christmas gifts that would actually be well received.

10 easy, but special homemade Christmas gifts 

Write it

Printing or writing meaningful words from a book/bible/song/poem and presenting it in a gorgeous frame, makes a gift that is truly unique and very special.


When skies are grey

One of my kids got this gift from a friend last year and I thought it was just a lovely thing to do.  Make your own "When Skies are Grey" kit, containing small handwritten messages each in different envelopes and to be opened on certain occasions.  eg:  Open when you are sad, open when you need a hug

A piece of history

Do you know how your parents met?  What about their first thoughts as they became parents?  What was their favourite place to visit when they were dating (or "coorting"  "winching" "gaen oot" or whatever they called it!)  A "tell-me notebook" is an amazing present that all generations of a family can treasure and enjoy for years to come.  It's very simple - give the recipient a blank journal, with a series of questions that you would like to know the answers to - they answer them and give the journal back to you.  You could make your own Journal in a Jar or a Journal of a Lifetime. 

homemade christmas

It must be love

"I love you because...." prints would make a wonderful gift for anyone you care about.  You could purchase a Personalised I Love You Because Picture , or you could easily make your own using an online design programme such as Canva

Talent on show

I am sure most of us have experienced the "wonderful" pieces of art that we have "forgotten" to display, or the musical recital that pains us to listen to, but using the children's talents and displaying it beautifully can make a lovely gift for grandparents.  A well chosen piece of art, a hand-written quote or a poem written by the child, then mounted and framed in a gorgeous frame can make a truly special gift.

cookie cuter

Master baker

If you are at all talented at baking (which I am NOT!) then homemade fudge, tablet or cake make a present that will be appreciated by the recipient.  With some Cellophane Gift Bags and some luxury ribbon, the present will look fantastic enough to rival any of the posh high street stores!

A treasured keepsake

A friend made memory cushions for her girls a few years ago, using shirts that had belonged to their dad, who had sadly passed away a few years before.   These cushions are truly gorgeous and are something that the girls will treasure for ever.  This tutorial will show you how you can easily make your own or they can be purchased in various places if your sewing skills are anything like mine!

christmas challenge

Find out how you can have your best Christmas ever, by spending less and stressing less

Childhood memories

I remember so fondly the books that I read to my children when they were small, as well as the books that I had read to me in my childhood. How special would it be to get a page from one of your favourite books mounted, framed and preserved forever? I think, at lot of stages in life, these would make really lovely homemade Christmas gifts.  

Snap shot

I don't know about you, but I don't remember the last time I got any photos printed, or used an actual camera for that matter.  I tend to take photos on my phone and then look at them very rarely.  A personalised, scrapbook and photo album would be great fun to make and would also be a gift that could be looked at over and over and treasured for years to come.

Homemade Christmas gifts

Boost your spirits

Having sampled a friend's raspberry vodka last year, I think a bottle of homemade spirits would be a surefire winner!  It is so simple to do and the bonus is that you will have to do some sampling along the way, purely for quality assurance purposes obviously! It may also be wise to make some extra, just to see you through the festive season :-)  

I hope that these have given you some inspiration for getting your sleeves rolled up and creating some amazing homemade Christmas gifts this year. Have a look at my other Christmas pressies post, with loads of ideas for presents that involve spending more time with the people that you care for the most.

Have your best Christmas ever, by spending less and stressing less - come and join my Cut Costs at Christmas course

I also have a Facebook group where I help women to become happier, healthier and wealthier - it would be lovely if you joined us.

Eileen x

Hi, I’m Eileen Adamson, Your Money Sorted coach, helping female teachers to become happier, healthier and wealthier. By showing you how to make small, sustainable changes, I can help you create the time, freedom and financial security you deserve.

For more information on how I can help you, please see my coaching courses, my Etsy shop or my Amazon shop.


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